a songwriting contest to bruin the world




What is this contest about?

We all know that prose and music both flow from the same creative well. And so it’s not surprising that my book, A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear, is full of unsung songs. A group of idealists trying to found a utopian community where freedom reigns, an epic fight between a bear and a llama, a church burning down around the ears of a true believer — all perfect grist for the savvy and creative amateur songwriting community.

My hope is that this songwriting contest will provide a platform for the talented, underappreciated musicians who pour blood, sweat and tears into their craft, often with far too little recognition.

Entrants will receive a free copy of the book to thumb through looking for inspiration, whether that means choosing a general theme like freedom, an anecdote, or simply a sentence or turn of phrase that they find interesting.

Entry guidelines are below, and please stay tuned to this space to hear more about the contest and, ultimately, which musician will be able to report that they “walked into a bear,” and lived to tell (or sing) the tale!

Entry guidelines

— This is very much a friendly competition. Entrants are encouraged to share and appreciate the work of the other entrants.

-- Each entry can feature a solo artist, or a performance of up to seven music artists

— The number of entrants is capped at 10

-- Each entrant will receive an advance digital copy of A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear to browse for inspiration

-- Entrants will write and record a song that is in some way related to one or more elements of the book. Each submission must be in video format, from 1-4 minutes long, and can be simple or elaborate

-- Entrants will also record a black and white video of up to four minutes in length, in which the artists talk about themselves and their music career. In those videos, entrants should state their names and hometowns, talk about their relationship to music, and briefly explain their entry

-- Entries will be judged by a panel that will include Matt HH (the author), and professional musicians

-- All entries will be promoted to the general public via social media channels, and hosted on a permanent website devoted to the contest. Other than granting Matt HH permission for this use, entrants retain full ownership of their work

-- The top three entries will receive feedback on their music from the panel, and a signed hardcover edition of A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear

— Top entries will be acknowledged in a future published book by Matt HH

-- The winning entrant will have successfully “Walked Into a Bear.” This entry will be broadcast during live events associated with the book

-- Submission deadline is September 12

-- To enter and receive a digital copy of the book, email Matt HH ( matt.honghet@gmail.com ) with subject line: A Musician Walks Into a Bear.

-- Good luck!